The holiday season is approaching! Pumpkins and mums reside on front porches, scarecrows are forked in yards, and the leaves have begun to change color. A cold front has set in as temperatures drop overnight. Sunday, some were basking by the pool, and then come Monday they were wearing boots and a sweater. Summer has said it’s goodbyes, and it’s Fall, ya’ll! HAPPY HARVEST!

As glorious as the upcoming holidays are for some, we know they may be difficult for others. Our ministry is thinking about you and the struggles you may have this season. We hope you will find refuge in Christ who comforts you in all your affliction and extend a loving hand to a brother or sister that may need comforting as well (2 Cor 1:4). After all, Christ desires for us to comfort others with the comfort we receive from Him.

How may we be praying for you? As you comment below with your request, would you join us in praying for the requests of others as well?
— The Going Beyond Team