We’re a ministry that loves to read, especially on a crisp fall day when the sun is bright, and the weather is beautiful. It’s the ideal time to put the rocking chair on the front porch to good use or cradle a hammock between two trees and watch the leaves fall while immersed in literature!

When reading, you’ll find me stretched out on a couch, nestled under a cozy (sometimes heated) blanket, with a paperback or hardback in hand. Print books are far from archaic to me. Underlining as I go helps me focus and seeing how many pages I have remaining keeps me motivated. I lean towards nonfiction, preferring to learn about facts and real-life events. Self-help and biographies rank the highest on my list, and oddly enough, at times I read the chapters out of order while perusing for the most interesting and life-applicable subjects. I dove right into page 35 of Outliers by Malcolm Gladwell, neglecting to read the first and final chapters. Irksome to some avid readers, I know, but the second chapter title, “The 10,000-Hour Rule,” drew me in, and I just had to know what the rule entailed.
For Katie . . . “It wasn’t until my mid-twenties that I developed a love for reading. In recent years, the only genres I’ve been diving into are spiritual growth and leadership books. I’m always reading at least two at a time. One is a deeper, more theological one that requires my full attention. I read this one with my highlighter in hand and at a time of day that I’m not sleepy or going to be distracted. The other is a lighter read that I can get into at any time of day. This is the one I carry in my purse… Yes, I’ve become one of THOSE people who never leaves home without a book in tow! I’ve also found myself in a season where I’m in my car a lot, so I’ve started to listen to audio books. Though not my preferred method of reading, it’s been a great use of my time!”
For Priscilla . . . “Reading is one of my favorite pastimes – which, by the way, is an incredibly odd fact to my older sister Chrystal since she was the reader while we were growing up and I detested the activity thoroughly. Somehow as I got older, the imaginative currency offered by a juicy novel drew me in. Yes, I love to read theological books and instructive guides, but I also love a delicious fictional story with engaging characters stationed in beautiful locations. Recently, I found a John Grisham novel called “The Reckoning” on my father’s office bookshelf and dove into it immediately. I intend to spend the next few weeks using any spare moments I can find digesting the captivating storyline. Sitting in a cozy chair, covered by a thick blanket, sipping an autumn-inspired flavored latte is a great way to spend a few afternoon hours.”
Sounds idyllic, right? Reading is enjoyable for a host of reasons. We’re introduced to new perspectives, we gain new knowledge, and we’re encouraged to use our imaginations.
Friends, do you enjoy reading as much as we do? Please share in the comments below. We’d love to know!