It’s been almost two years since we first began our Spotlight Blog Series, a series designed to introduce you to purpose-driven individuals that are fulfilling their God-given destinies in all facets of life! Today, we’re ending our series with a very special and familiar guest, and my personal favorite, Priscilla!
She is a wife, mother, Bible teacher, and boss lady (or at least she is to me)! 😀
She’s kind and generous, unbelievably generous, and she’s passionate about ministry, faithfully fulfilling her deep desire to reach each of you with God’s Word.
Priscilla is also a ball of fun! If you follow her on social media (@priscillashirer), I’m sure you know exactly what I mean! She’s always dancing, laughing and/or posting entertaining content, or chatting with friends and family much like she has done in this series. She loves learning about others, so we’re excited to turn the tables on her today!
Enjoy this Q & A, and then, before you go, please join Priscilla in conversation by selecting one of the questions and answering it in the comments! Of course, she would love to learn about you too!
Have fun!

- If you could describe this season of your life in one word, what word would it be? Why?
It’s no secret that our family has been through a lot over the past few years. The emotional and physical toll of each loss we’ve faced and diagnosis we’ve received has been significant. Losing my mother was probably the hardest. Then, the week after her funeral I had to have major surgery to remove the upper lobe of my left lung. After all of that, I was grasping for air – literally. Emotionally and physically, I have needed time to regain my composure and equilibrium. The slower schedule that the lock-down realities of 2020 introduced were a runway into a season of forced rest and recovery. The new cadence of life has given me time to do the exercise needed to rebuild my lung function (‘cause, you know, I need my lungs for preaching!) and see to my own emotional health. It has also allowed me the space to be fully present with my husband and sons in a way that is more expansive than when I am in the middle of a large writing project or intense travel schedule. Since I have two sons finishing high school and entering college (2020 & 2021), I’ve enjoyed the luxury of being fully engaged in every aspect of this important and exciting time in their lives!
- In terms of your career, before you knew you would be _______________, you almost . . .
Before I went into ministry, I thought I would be a broadcast journalist. I majored in communications in college with full intention of pursuing a career in hard news! It was my plan, and I was sticking to it . . . until God redirected the entire course of my life. It has been the best adventure a girl could every ask for!
- In what ways do you ensure that your career path serves the purposes of God and encourages His people?
I see every aspect of my life as an opportunity to glorify God and draw attention to Jesus. This means that no matter whether I’m standing on a platform to share a message from the Scriptures, writing a book, filming a movie, participating in a function at my kids’ school, assisting my husband in his business venture or talking to a stranger in the frozen food section at the grocery store, I’m always asking the Holy Spirit to show me how I can turn that encounter into a sacred opportunity to make Jesus’ name great.
When filming War Room, I remember a well-intentioned reporter asking me if I felt that acting was a departure from ministry. I responded without missing a beat, “No. It’s just another means and method through which I get to do it.”
I believe strongly that everything is ministry and each of us is called to be a minister.
- Fill in the blank. I am not a very _____________ person.
I am not a very organized person.
I’m a fairly scattered, fly-by-the-seat-of-my-pants kind of person. While I do enjoy an organized living space, I have to discipline myself and be intentional about keeping it that way. Other than that, when working on a project, no one can really make heads or tails out of my notes and papers other than me.
- Name your biggest strength and your biggest weakness? How has each served you as you’ve fulfilled your purpose?
My biggest strength is my ability to communicate. And, interestingly, it has historically been one of my biggest weaknesses too.
Let me explain.
When I was growing up, I always got in trouble for talking – talking too much, out of turn or with the wrong tone. My teachers were constantly calling my parents about the problems they were having with me in school communicating too much. Of course, my parents would discipline and discuss this issue with me. But I also remember them pointing out the possibility that communication might be my gift. They told me that it needed to be surrendered to the Holy Spirit so that He could mature it and mold it, but that if I would submit it to Him, He would use it for His glory.
Years later, it was my dad that suggested I major in communications in college. Neither he nor I could have foreseen the direction God was leading my life, but I’m grateful that the Lord has allowed me to see that the way He wired me was for a holy purpose.
And yet, I recognize my human tendency to over-talk and under-listen. I recall the challenge in James 3 about the tongue being the hardest part of our bodies to tame and am constantly asking the Lord to stand guard over my mouth – whether I’m talking to 10,000 people or to a close friend over a cup of coffee.
- What’s the most interesting thing you’ve read or seen this week?
Recently, I read Cicely Tyson’s compelling biography, Just As I Am. It is a breathtaking narrative that captivates from beginning to end. The sheer tenacity that Ms. Tyson exhibited to excel in her craft during an era of blatant racism and bias in the film industry and in culture is inspiring. Her longevity, cultural impact, and artistic commitment is vividly described in this detailed account. I loved every page of it.
- When is the last time you laughed so hard that it hurt?
My dad’s younger brother, Maurice, is hilarious! He still lives in Baltimore, not too far from the row house where they grew up. Recently, my dad, brother Anthony, and I went to visit him, and we belly laughed for a full hour as we listened to him talk!
And, my uncle’s laugh is contagious. It’s this mixture of intermittent snorting and high-pitched sing-songy wheezes. IT. IS. HYSTERICAL.
So, hearing him laugh literally caused us to hold our stomachs and cramp with hilarity! We love him so much.
- What has been the most difficult season in your life? How did you get through it?
The most difficult season of my life is the one I’ve just come through. Eight deaths in our family and my own health struggle right in the middle of it. The grief has been over-whelming. and I know that I’m not on the other side of it yet.
Still getting through, but my faith has not wavered. I’m grateful for the Holy Spirit’s reassurance and comfort.
- If you could make three wishes and there were no limitations on what you could request, what would you wish for?
1. Large scale, world-wide revival
2. The ability to eat anything with no concern of calories or effect there of
3. A hundred more wishes (*wink)
- If you could tell your younger self anything, what would it be?
Relax. It’s all going to work out.