I’ve recently come across a woman on Instagram that seems so authentic and relatable that you can’t help but be captivated by her experiences. Her name is Lenize Fuentes! She is a stay-at-home mom and content creator that invites us into her day-to-day life, reminding us that there is beauty in imperfection and encouraging us to enjoy quality time at home with our loved ones. She shares about her faith, marriage, and motherhood on her blog and YouTube channel.

Lenize is so fun and her joy is contagious! I sure do hope that I can meet her in person some day. Until then, this week’s Q & A will give us both a bird’s eye view of this fascinating woman! Before you go, please leave her a comment of encouragement and then go follow her on Instagram @lenize.fuentes and subscribe to her blog!
So much love,

- If you could describe this season of your life in one word, what word would it be? Why?
Refining. God has really been working on my heart. Things that had been hidden have been brought to the surface and allowed me to really dig deeper in healing & growing. It’s been a challenging season, for sure, but also a beautiful one!
- In terms of your career, before you knew you would be _______________, you almost . . .
Before I knew I would be a SAHM & content creator, I was a nurse.
- In what ways do you ensure that your career path serves the purposes of God and encourages His people?
I constantly bring it back to God. I ask for His direction and for guidance on what to share with my audience. I remind myself that this is His thing, so I ask “ok God, what is it that you want me to do here?” I know that the things I have experienced, my testimonies, aren’t just for me – it’s for His glory! As I began to share them, I started to see what God was trying to do. He’s turned things that have been my messes into messages of encouragement & hope, something I never thought would even be a thing.
- Name your biggest strength and your biggest weakness? How has each served you as you’ve fulfilled your purpose?
I’d say a strength of mine is honesty. I try to be as real, raw, & transparent as I can with what I share on my platforms. I think that has really allowed me to connect with others because there’s so much power in the “me, too.” Working on honesty (which used to be a huge struggle of mine) has been a very humbling experience, knocking down the deceptive idea of the need for perfectionism. It’s also allowed God the room to move, where I can share about my experiences, trials, struggles and realness because it’s there that God has shown His strength & faithfulness!
My biggest weakness would be my struggle with the need to have control. When I feel like I don’t have control, I sometimes feel anxious, worried, and purposeless. Being aware of this gave me a step in the direction to lean on God more. As soon as I learned the power of surrendering, I learned to trust God more.
- Fill in the blank. I am not a very _____________ person.
I am not a very spontaneous person.
I love structure, knowing what comes next and having a plan. This year has taught me A LOT in this area. I’m constantly learning to practice surrendering & trusting! It’s also allowed me to learn to “go with the flow” and have more fun!
- When is the last time you laughed so hard that it hurt?
Ah, this is such a good question! Recently my husband was showing the kids old school music and introduced them to Michael Jackson. As we were attempting the “Beat It” dance, he tried the MJ kick and accidentally kicked the dining room chair across the room. We all couldn’t stop laughing! Our baby girl’s laughs made it more contagious. I laughed so hard it truly hurt!
- What has been the most difficult season in your life? How did you get through it?
Struggling with postpartum depression after my second baby was the most difficult season I have experienced. It affected my health, my mothering, my marriage, my friendships . . . my entire life as a whole. I started seeing a therapist, who was also a believer, and that made a major shift in my journey. I also really leaned into worship. There were days where I felt so far away from God, like if He couldn’t hear me because honestly some days were so hard to come up with the words to pray. So I used the song lyrics as my prayer. “Raise a Hallelujah” by Bethel and “ Another in the Fire” by Hillsong became my anthem! The words really shook my core and I cried them out to God. Looking back, I realized He truly was right in the fire with me and holding back the seas for me. I came out of that season realizing I was a lot stronger than I thought I was, and that came from fully practicing surrendering, trusting & relying on the Lord.
- If you could make three wishes and there were no limitations on what you could request, what would you wish for?
For my children to grow up to know, love, & experience God fully.
For financial freedom for us & generations to come.
For all those who I love to be saved.
- If this were your last year on earth, what would you want to spend your time doing?
I would love to spend it with my loved ones daily, really making sure when I leave them, they were loved well by me & have sweet memories to hold onto. I’d love to travel the world, seeing and experiencing beauty and cultures with my family (minus COVID lol). I’d also want to be sure I truly share all of the things I feel God has put on my heart for me to do so when I meet him I can have an answer for Him when He asks what I have done with all He gave me.
- If you could tell your younger self anything, what would it be?
To find my relationship with God sooner! I went most of my life as an unbeliever. After I found Jesus, I was able to get to know my real worth, my identity (which was always placed in my relationships) & with Him I got to experience true love. If I would’ve sought God sooner, I would’ve saved myself a whole lot of heartbreak.
*These blog interviews are designed only to be fun, informative and introductory. GB Ministries has varying levels of familiarity with each participant so their presence here does not equal our endorsement of or full alignment with theological doctrine or political perspective.