I sure hope you’re doing well and that you’ve come here today excited and ready to meet a woman that I admire – Edwina Findley!
She’s an award-winning film, television, and theatre actress and the founder of AbundantLifeU, a nonprofit organization that provides life and career coaching for “Up and Coming Artists” in the entertainment industry. She and her husband, Kelvin, have created pragmatic, easy-to-follow training programs and action plans that take creative-types from a place of dreaming to a place of achieving.

When Edwina’s not acting, traveling the country speaking, teaching, and inspiring others, she’s at home with her husband and sweet daughters Victoria and London. I’m amazed at how she balances it all! She’s a wonder woman with an affectionate smile, and I know that her warm spirit and inspiration will be a blessing to you today! As always, before you go, please leave a comment of encouragement for Edwina below!

- If you could describe this season of your life in one word, what word would it be? Why?
“Courageous!” I use that word because I believe it takes a lot of guts to live with conviction, to speak out when things are unjust or unfair, and to fully believe what God is speaking over your life, regardless of the current circumstances. At the beginning of the pandemic, I was completely undone. Everything I “trusted in” was shaken. Everything. But God gently reminded me of Proverbs 3:5-6, “Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths.” I had to shift my faith and trust back to God, instead of the news, the government, the financial forecasts, the turmoil . . . It all became so overwhelming! I had to spend more time asking God what He wanted me to do, how He wanted me to show up in the world, and begin re-focusing my attention on things above, not simply on what I could “see” with my natural eye. And what God has done in my life since then has been absolutely amazing. Ministry wise, my husbandand Iare actively leading financial courses and workshops for individuals and families impacted by the pandemic, and addressing mental health issues through our nonprofit AbundantLifeU. We serve in marriage ministry at our church, and we have also been very active in racial reconciliation and fostering cultural conversations during this time, especially amongst believers.
Professionally, I’m preparing to film a new television series in London, another movie I’m in is being released this fall, I was invited by Oprah to host a television special, I’m writing and producing new shows, I was offered a book deal, and the list goes on! And honestly, the sweetest thing for me is the extra time I have to be home with my husband and little girls, whom I absolutely adore. When you exercise your “courage” to believe BEYOND what you can see, I believe it unlocks the door for God to manifest what you’ve never “seen”!
- In terms of your career, before you knew you would be _______________, you almost . . .
Before I knew I would be an actress, I almost considered law school.
- In what ways do you ensure that your career path serves the purposes of God and encourages His people?
When I was fresh out of college, I created a personal mission statement with God. In fact, that’s how my now-husband Kelvin and I first became close friends – he would lead purpose sessions with me in our Brooklyn neighborhood after church! So my purpose statement is what guides my decision-making every day. I used to think that my acting roles themselves were supposed to minister to people. But I’ve been in the entertainment industry long enough now to see that God ministers in MANY different ways. Sometimes it’s through the role and the project, and sometimes it’s with the other actors, directors, and crew behind the scenes. Many times it’s with the fans, and through interviews, speaking engagements, and social media. There’s always a way to use both your career and personal life to make an impact.
- Fill in the blank. I am not a very _____________ person:
I am not a very patient person.
Who just LOVVVES waiting on God?? Not me! Lol! But I’ve learned that moving in God’s timing is ALWAYS strategic, and it’s ALWAYS for our greater good. So now I look at waiting as simply having time to prepare for what I expect!
- Name your biggest strength and your biggest weakness? How has each served you as you’ve fulfilled your purpose?
My biggest strength is being a people person. I genuinely love people and am interested in all kinds of people and their stories. This natural gift has helped me tremendously as far as building relationships and friendships, as I have a very wide personal and professional network. My genuine curiosity about people has helped me as an actress too, as I’m constantly researching and creating characters that are from different walks of life, different countries and regions, time periods and cultures, and of varying socio-economic status.
I’d say that my biggest weakness has beencaring too much about what others thinkabout me. On the one hand, it’s unlikely you will “offend” people if you are always trying hard to please them. But the danger of that is that it produces fear, which causes us to hold back, even when we aren’t called to be silent. 2020 is a leap year, and I believe it’s time for us to LEAP FORWARD, beyond fear-imposed limitations!! “People pleasing” is an area I am leaping out of!
- When is the last time you laughed so hard that it hurt?
The last time I laughed so hard it hurt was singing and dancing with my 3-year-old, Victoria Rose. She’s such a little performer, and she’s constantly cracking me up with her hilarious dance moves! We have a ton of fun together!
- What has been the most difficult season in your life? How did you get through it?
My most difficult season was when my mother passed away, and then my grandparents and auntpassed as well. Loss is real, and it is hard. What I had to press into in order to move to the other side of the grief was gratitude. I developed an intense gratitude for the present, and the new family members that God had given me – my husband and children. My family growing up was so close to me that losing them was just devastating. But I’ve had to learn that life is indeed a cycle, and that we owe it to God and ourselves to be present in the moment with the people who are here.
- If this were your last year on earth, what would you want to spend your time doing?
Wow, great question! If this weremy last year on earth, I would definitely pour everything into my children and try to show them just how much I love them and impart the things I want them to learn. I’d create a journal for them, documenting our beautiful times together, and all the memories we’ve created so far. I would have lots of fun with my husband and endeavor to serve him more. And,I would try to write all of the books that have been brimming inside of me for so long, so I could pour out all the wisdom and life lessons that God has given me to share.
- If you could make three wishes and there were no limitations on what you could request, what would you wish for?
I would wish for unlimited money, only loveon earth, and the eradication of poverty and sickness everywhere.
- If you could tell your younger self anything, what would it be?
Edwina, JOY is one of the most extraordinary gifts you will ever experience. Embrace your joy and peace, sweetheart, there’s no need to worry or be afraid. Rest in the Lord, and believe everything He has promised you, for in its time, it will indeed come to pass.
*These blog interviews are designed only to be fun, informative and introductory. GB Ministries has varying levels of familiarity with each participant so their presence here does not equal our endorsement of or full alignment with theological doctrine or political perspective.