Hey there! I hope you are having a great day! Thanks for stopping by.
Today, we are both getting an introduction to someone whose social media presence is larger than life and brings inspiration to many people! His name is Aussie Dave!
Here’s what I do know about him: he’s an award-winning reporter for Channel Ten News and a contributor for Fox News and CBN News. He’s also a talented photographer and a man who loves Jesus! He finds ways to help believers understand the Bible and has authored a book called 52 Hebrew Words Every Christian Should Know. His social media presence inspires Instagrammers and Tik Tokkers as they scroll through his page.

He seems like such a cool guy and I’ve enjoyed watching him from afar. Visit his Instagram @aussiedave to follow and see what I mean! You can also subscribe to his blog! But, before you go, please leave Dave a comment of encouragement below!
Hooroo (“Goodbye” in Australian, hehe),

- If you could describe this season of your life in one word, what word would it be? Why?
Hopeful. This season has been a desert season. A worldwide pandemic, political tension, racial upheaval, and economic stress has caused this season to be barren and dry. But Scripture teaches us that God takes His people into the desert to prepare them! So I have hope that God is preparing us. I’m not asking WHEN can I get out of this desert . . . I’m asking WHAT can I get out of this desert — so I am hopeful!
- In terms of your career, before you knew you would be _______________, you almost . . .
Before I knew I would be a social media pastor, I almost played it safe in my past role as a TV sports reporter. I was a sports reporter on TV in Australia when God called me into ministry — and I am so glad I listened. My days are SO much more fulfilling.
- In what ways do you ensure that your career path serves the purposes of God and encourages His people?
I stay focused on leveraging the skills God has placed in my hands to fulfill the vision he has placed in my heart. The Bible is complicated. People want to get more out of it. I want to use my skills, gifts and experience to help people get more from the Scriptures.
- Name your biggest strength and your biggest weakness? How has each served you as you’ve fulfilled your purpose?
My biggest strength and weakness is that as an Enneagram 3, I have the ability to either get a lot of things done, or be very distracted.
- Fill in the blank. I am not a very _____________ person.
I am not a very organized person.
I am a pastor, a photographer, a YouTuber, a writer . . . often my left brain doesn’t know what my right brain is doing, so I have to work hard at keeping focused and organized.
- When is the last time you laughed so hard that it hurt?
Today! Watching a ridiculous YouTube video of a guy screaming to his family that he was making coffee!
- What has been the most difficult season in your life? How did you get through it?
I was sexually abused from the age of 6-12. I grew up broken and scared. But God continues to redeem my story. When I share my testimony with students, at churches, on social media, or at conferences, and give new hope to their survivors, it makes the enemy wish he had never messed with me in the first place — that’s redemption!
- If you could make three wishes and there were no limitations on what you could request, what would you wish for?
My first wish would be to spend a week in first-century Israel, to experience the culture and see Jesus preach. My second wish would be for my three daughters to develop a deep fight of their own. My third wish would be to have the opportunity to teach people how to get more from the Bible.
- If this were your last year on earth, what would you want to spend your time doing?
I would spend my last year with my wife and daughters. I believe I obey and worship God best when I’m putting my family first.
- If you could tell your younger self anything, what would it be?
Don’t ask God when I can get out of the desert . . . ask Him what I can get out of the desert.
*These blog interviews are designed only to be fun, informative and introductory. GB Ministries has varying levels of familiarity with each participant so their presence here does not equal our endorsement of or full alignment with theological doctrine or political perspective.