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Intentional Christmas

Dec 20, 2012

Hey friends,

I’m thinking about you all today. Thinking about what you will be doing on Christmas day, who you will be with, what city you will be in, and what your day is going to look like. Some of you will be with your family and super excited about it, some of you will be doing something non-traditional like taking a vacation to a place you’ve never visited, some of you might be skiing in Colorado, and some of you unfortunately may be in a place you’d actually rather not be.  

Wherever you will be and whatever you will be doing, I so wish that we could all go into the Holidays with a little vision and expectancy for the people we be with. The traditions are so fun, relaxing is a must, the abundance of food is delicious and oh so great . . . but I wish for us all to expect a little more for this year’s Christmas. I wish for us to go a little deeper, have a little more meaningful conversations and love our friends a family a little better than we did last year. 

I’m really speaking mostly to myself. It’s so easy for me to get through time with my family and afterwards think… “Did I fully engage like I could have? Serve my mom like she deserves?” .. The list goes on.  Especially since we have a bunch of kiddos running around, it’s a lot easier to just make it through the day without any major catastrophies =)

I read a blog from my pastor a few days ago, and he had some really great insight on a few things we could do, at least try to do, as we enter into the Holidays:

1. Pray : just ask God some things that He might want to do during your time together, or even ask Him for things you’d love to see happen!

2. Initiate: engage in conversations. Ask questions. Be bold. 

3. Listen. 

4. Be expectant! You never know what God may want to do, and it certainly helps to think ahead about some of these things. 


I’m praying for a really sweet time for us this Christmas. Let’s be intentional and expectant this year, yes? 

You are loved,
