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The Highest Low

Jul 27, 2011

On Tuesday, Dallas experienced a new record set for the “Highest Low” temperature ever recorded – 86 degrees! that means it never got cooler than 86 overnight. The previous record was 85 degrees, set the day before and in September 1939.

All I can say is, “BLECH!”

Congratulations, Dallas! I guess you could call it the “Best Worst” record ever. Highest Low reminds me of some of my favorite oxymorons:

government organization

airline food

clean dirt

devout atheist

daily special

false hope

grotesque beauty

good fast food

happy pessimist

handgun safety

inside out

original copy

private email

real magic

unspoken suggestion

vegetarian meatball

unbiased journalism

terribly good

But then I’m a word nerd. How about you? Know any good oxymorons? Maybe it will make us feel better about our highest low temperature.
