IT’S 2020, SISTERS!!
Happy New Year to you and yours! It’s hard to believe we’ve entered a new decade! We pray that 2019 was good to you, but we hope that 2020 will give it a run for its money!

This time of year reminds us to reflect on our lives and consider what areas are in need of improvement. It stirs a drive in us to grow, challenge ourselves to stretch beyond our comfort zones, and explore new opportunities!
Every year, our Going Beyond Team gathers together before the holidays to select words that we anticipate will sum up the upcoming year. Some words from the last year included identity, fruition, harvest, grace, wisdom, and . . . lemonade! Ha! In addition to this, our words for this year are simplify, freedom, transition, peace, recalibrate, and patience.
Do any of these words ring true for you? What word are you hoping will describe your 2020? Leave a comment below! We would love to hear from you!
And sis, we trust that whatever it is you resolve to do this year for the Lord, He will abundantly bless! We believe in you, and we applaud you, chanting, “job well done” in advance!
— The Going Beyond Team