Hey Sis!
If you were here with us yesterday, you learned about a friend that is near and dear to my heart. The artistic friend I was speaking about is our ministry’s very own Nicole Staples. As our Creative Director, Nicole has left her special mark on Going Beyond Ministries for the past 6 years. She has had the opportunity to share her creativity with all of you through this blog, social media graphics, merchandise designs, CD/DVD covers, AWAKEN DFW events, and so much more! You will find Nicole under the arrow in the picture below.

The time has come for her to share her creative gene in a new city. She will be moving to Nashville in January, and as sad as we are to see her go, we know the Lord has SO much in store for her there. We are grateful for the time she served alongside us, prayed with us, and taught us about the simplicity of something beautiful.

Thank you, Nicole! Your creativity will forever be embedded in this ministry.