I felt myself re-entering the atmosphere of my regular life before I even got on the plane to come home. I started thinking of emails and projects and to-do lists…..and felt my heart get a little bit heavy.
Stepping away from “regular life” for a couple of days has given me some fresh perspective on many of the things that fill my days with busyness. And having a friend that is willing to gently ask some tough questions is priceless when it comes to re-thinking priorities. I’ve realized that simply making a few subtle shifts in my thinking could propel me toward the goals I’ve allowed to get dusty on the shelf.
Wow. That’s what time away can do.
So while I know I have phone calls to make and things to check off my list today, God is reminding me once again to take time to come away WITH HIM….every day. To spend time with Him and rest. To step back from the swirling activity and allow Him to reprioritize, re-energize and refocus on the things that truly matter. To let go of the “good” that keeps me from the “best.”
Mark 6:31 says this: Then, because so many people were coming and going that they did not even have a chance to eat, he said to them, “Come with me by yourselves to a quiet place and get some rest.”
I love that. I need it. How could I forget it so easily?
How do YOU carve out time to “come away?” Can you take some time today?