Yesterday, I ran across this headline for a news story posted by Yahoo:
Dallas/Ft. Worth Stricken With Cabin Fever
The article went on to post a bunch of comments from people that are starting to feel claustrophobic – a bit holed up and out of touch with the world – while this winter storm has swept through our area.
If you’re out of the loop then you may not be aware that sub-freezing temperatures, mixed with precipitation, have wreaked havoc on Dallas roadways. Snow and ice have laced the roads and bridges for 3 days now, causing businesses and schools to remain closed for most of the week. In fact, my boys will be home again today!
When I saw this headline, I was intrigued. I was just in the middle of writing about the need for a “Sabbath Rest” – a purposeful, carved out time of recuperation for our bodies and minds. If not specifically dedicated, these opportunities rarely present themselves. It would seem that being MADE to have one would be a gift – a delightful interruption in otherwise overcrowded schedules. And yet, according to the documented comments in the report, people feel “stricken.” They are bored and anxious to get back to the busy-ness.
Are we so addicted to constant movement (and even stress) that we don’t even know how to relax anymore? Isn’t there anything that remains attractive about stillness, simple fun and family time?Curious,Priscilla
PS Here is a link to the article, if you’d like to read it. Tell me what you think!