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When I Was Just A Girl…

Dec 15, 2013

I have had a love affair going on with God’s Word since I was a little girl.

Old Bible

The daughter of a pastor, I spent many hours sitting on the floor in the hallway of our home, just out of the sight of the preachers gathered in the den, listening intently to the conversation going on inside. Great men of God would sit and discuss the finer issues of theology with passion. Their points of agreement were interesting to hear but it was in the moments of dispute, albeit argued with kindness and patience, that I leaned my ear up against the wall and listened more closely to hear. They’d rattle off Scripture and theological principles I’d not yet become acquainted with to defend their point. I was intrigued and my heart was set ablaze for the things of God.

My mother’s flannel board was always within arms reach – tucked inside the hallway closet ready to be used at a moment’s notice. She’d take out the board, and a bag filled with felt Bible characters, then she’d tell the stories of Jonah or David, Noah or Esther and we’d watch wide-eyed as they came to life right before our eyes.

The Word was alive to us because it was around us. My parents filled our ears and hands and hearts and minds with it. Praise music wafted through the air on every day – not just Sunday. We had devotions at dinner-time on regular occasions. My parents would host missionaries and preachers and singers and lay people alike who loved God. We’d overhear adult conversations rich with practical Biblical truth and catch the crumbs of their wisdom shared over cups of hot tea.

I was blessed.

Now, I’m just trying to pass the blessing along to my kiddos.

I suspect that you are too.

So, here are a few ways I am trying to keep the Word in front of the eyes of my children. Take em’ or leave em’. Hopefully, if nothing else, they will help to spark some ideas of your own.

We hang some verses on our pantry door. Just clip them onto some rope with clothespins. (I think I’m going to start making the boys quote something before they can gain entry.) I don’t change them out as often as I’d like to. These have been here for the past couple months. I’ve gotta do better. LOL



I’ve got a few more posted on the mirror in their bathroom – laminated of course, since boys have a way of getting water (and other liquids) EVERYWHERE.




This is Adventures in Odyssey – an oldie but a goodie! Sometimes I play one of the stories while they kids fall off to sleep at night. Each episode is an engaging and adventurous story steeped in Biblical truth that the boys love.




This one is a little more involved but has been worth it. We made little cutouts representing the major happenings in the Old Testament. Every few weeks we add one to create a timeline of Biblical history. 



This is the trunk of my car…


…and these are all the goodies that me and the boys bought at Target last week. Not one of these toys is for them. They are for two little boys (three gifts each) that we can’t wait to take them to later this week.

When I was growing up, my family always shopped for another one at Christmas. My parents sought out a family who had children similar ages to us and needed help with the holidays. Together, we’d purchase (or make) gifts, wrap them and then go to meet our new friends and share gifts with them.  

I remember it.

I loved it.

I want this same experience for my children.

So, I don’t do the shopping for my children. They pick out the gifts they’d most want and resist the urge to keep it for themselves. They pray for the kids whose photos I tape to their bedroom door as we consider what gifts might suit them. And they will come with Jerry and I to the family’s home so that they can know the joy of giving at Christmas time.

We are so far from perfect parents but I’m hoping that despite all of our mistakes my children will still fall in love with Jesus and His Word like I was able to.

Alrighty, your turn. What are some simple ways you are helping to keep God’s Word before your children?
