When I was about 15 years old I traveled to Haiti with a group from my church. We went to support the efforts of Hosean International Ministries (HIM) – an organization that was attempting to build a structure that could serve as a safe house for orphans and other individuals marginalized in society.
My short time in Haiti changed my life forever.
Twenty-five years has passed since my time there and the effects of that trip still ripple through my ministry and personal life.

If you’ve done the Armor of God Bible study, you’ve heard me talk about a young girl named Manette. When I was in Haiti those many years ago, she clung to my side every day. She must have been only seven or eight at the time. We couldn’t communicate verbally since she spoke French and I spoke English and yet our hearts were indescribably knit together.
The reason why HIM means so much to me is because this little girl would have not gone to school, had food to eat, or even had much chance at survival had they not rescued her when she was a child and had they not continued to care for her over the past two decades. Now, Manette is a thriving young woman who not only graduated from high school but also college and is working full time as a nurse. We still stay in contact to this day!
Last month, 70,000 women gathered world-wide for the PSL simulcast event! During the conference, I had the chance to introduce you to Caleb and Debbie Lucien – the couple who started HIM – and encourage you to join me in supporting their ongoing efforts in Pignon.
Your response has been beautiful! So far, we have raised $180,000! The Lucien’s have so much hope and vision for this ministry. They are filled with excitement about what they can continue to do in Haiti because of your generosity! So, thank you!
Please keep sending your financial gifts, ok? There is nothing too small and certainly no gift too big! With our continued help they will be able to build a job training facility and warehouse for disaster relief supplies. They need our help and I believe we can provide it!
So, if you meant to give but somehow forgot once you got back home from the event, it is not too late. Do it! If this is the first time you’re hearing about HIM or you will be watching the simulcast later this month, please know that this ministry is good ground to sow your financial seed into!
Keep the donations flowing in! Our generosity will see to it that HIM continues to thrive for the next twenty-five years and beyond!
You can give via mail or online at:
Hosean International Ministries (HIM)
Priscilla Shirer Simulcast
PO Box 17668
Little Rock, AR 72222
hosean.org/ (Look for the red tab that says “Priscilla Shirer Event Donation”)
Want to learn more about Hosean International Ministries?