Have a daughter? I’ve discovered something that I think you’ll love.With a house teeming with testosterone, I felt super excited to talk to you about something so girly that it makes me want to ditch my boys for a couple hours to go grab all of the little girls that like to sit next to me at church and run off for a pedicure and a slumber party. (or something like that )If you’ve wondered if there is anything exciting, engaging and interesting left to entertain your young beauties while at the same time being pure, clean and pointing them in a direction you’d approve of then may I introduce you to one of my favorite finds of the season.For Girls Like You Magazine (http://www.forgirlslikeyou.com/) is full of girl-facts and finds that will draw them in and keep them intrigued. With articles that include everything from taking a “Best Friend Quiz” to discussing appropriate and yet “age-appropriate” fashion, the young lady in your life will find herself wrapped up in the discussion. This magazine even gives your daughter a chance to contribute her own thoughts and suggestions – even to design her own outfits – for publishing. In upcoming issues, you can even expect articles from two young
Australian girls who will get to share their view point from Down Under – introducing your child to life outside of the USA.Wynter Pitts, the
creator of the magazine, was finding it increasingly difficult to find suitable
options for entertaining her girls as they were getting older and Barney and
Looney Toons were no longer keeping their attention. So, instead of
complaining about it she did something. She began working on a magazine
that has taken wings and blossomed in a relatively short span of time. I’m
intrigued by it myself . . . and I’m no youngin anymore :)Her four lovely
girls – Alena, Katy, Olivia and Cameryn – are the perfect cover girls for this
quarter’s issue and are the editorial committee for the magazine – putting the
“little-girl” seal of approval on every aspect of the magazine that is “For Girls
Like Them”.
I knew you’d like
this so much that I asked Wynter if we could give away 3 subscriptions to
her magazine. So, since we’ve been doing so many give-aways around here I thought we might as well go ahead and continue! What do you say?
So, leave a comment telling us about your girl(s) and why you think this magazine would be a great addition for her life. You have until Sunday night at 7pm. We’ll announce the winners on Monday, September 12th! You’ll receive a full 1-year subscription for the little girl in your life!Until then, check out www.forgirlslikeyou.com . You’ll love it.Bless youPriscillaPS . . . make sure you “like” the mag. on Facebook!